State Capital Potsdam

Trusted advisor for the cloud strategy

Together with Fujitsu, the IT managers of Potsdam created a cloud strategy including holistic packages of measures in only nine weeks.


The state capital of Brandenbourg, Potsdam, from the mayor to the IT managers, needed a clear cloud strategy that would support the municipality’s digital transformation goals as well as cybersecurity and compliance.


Thanks to a strong set of methods, IT and specialist departments were involved in developing the cloud strategy. Surveys and workshops ensured transparency and preparation for using the cloud.


  • A cloud strategy that ensures IT flexibility and efficiency
  • Transparently derived, practice-oriented recommendations for action
  • Cloud usage strategy (checklist for evaluating cloud compliance)
With Fujitsu, we developed a sound cloud strategy in only nine weeks.

Mathias Horezky, Head of IT Infrastructure and Service, City of Potsdam

9 weeks
for developing a sound
cloud strategy  

About the customer  

Potsdam is the capital of the German state of Brandenburg and also its
most populous city, with just under 190,000 residents. Situated on the Havel
River southwest of Berlin, it is one of the prosperous municipalities in the
metropolitan area. Neighboring districts are Spandau and Steglitz-Zehlendorf.
Potsdam features castles, parks, and an important city center, and it is also
known as the former residence of the Prussian kings.  

Powerful IT infrastructure for reliable public services  

The state capital Potsdam plays an exemplary role in the public sector when it
comes to creating a powerful IT infrastructure, digitizing specialized processes, and
implementing maximum IT security. This primarily benefits the citizens, who gain
reliable and stable IT-supported services. At the resolute instigation of the mayor, the
municipality took up the task of partially transferring IT infrastructure components
to the cloud, among other things. The goal is to ensure fail-safe systems as well as
to maximize flexibility, ef ficiency, and cost transparency in e-government processes.
To expedite the digitization process, the city administration put together a strong
team of six digital advisors, who take a leadership role in implementing the cloud
transformation. “It is important for the cloud initiative to correspond closely to our
business and organizational objectives. The digital advisors contribute their in-depth
expertise to reliably achieve this goal,” explains Mathias Horezky, who is responsible
for the cloud project as Team Leader of IT Infrastructure and Service for the City of

Fujitsu as the trusted advisor for the cloud strategy  

The team led by Mathias Horezky went looking for an expert consulting partner to
optimize the IT architecture in general and develop a cloud strategy in particular.
Fujitsu and Potsdam had already enjoyed a close and trusting partnership for many
years with respect to various software and hardware topics. Following a tendering
process, the municipality decided to bring Fujitsu on board as a trusted advisor for the
consulting project, based on this proven collaboration. “Our goal was to strengthen
the e-government department by providing a carefully planned cloud strategy,”
Mathias Horezky remembers. As part of its consulting service, Fujitsu conducted a
series of customized and interactive workshops together with the City of Potsdam.
In the workshops, the participants – consisting of digital advisors, IT experts and
representatives of divisions and specialist departments – defined precise cloud
objectives and developed clear guidelines for the future as well as comprehensive
packages of measures.  

Holistic packages of measures and individual recommendations
for action  

"With Fujitsu, we developed a sound cloud strategy in only nine weeks. Based on the
practical recommendations for action, we can customise our future cloud projects,”
remarks Mathias Horezky. The innovative workshop format of fered a suitable platform
for pinpointing the participants’ specific needs and requirements in a lively discussion.
“With the aid of Fujitsu’s consulting expertise and strategic approach, we have laid
the foundation for our IT landscape’s long-term flexibility and ef ficiency and are
fully equipped to meet the digital challenges of the future,” says the IT manager in

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